impressum / credits


© 2016-2020 Concept & texts by Thomas Imboden


This website was created by Thomas Imboden on Jimdo adapting the "Miami" theme.


The backdrop photograph of the Valais Alps in the Nikolaus valley - our family's native region - is a copyright-free wikimedia image, digitally enhanced by me.


The backdrop video taken by me depicts a section of the mobile installation "Poya kinétique" (E "Kinetic Cattle Drive", D "kinetischer Alpaufzug") by Swiss artist Pascal Bettex. This refers to my ancestors' origins as herds on the alpine terraces of the upper Valais.



> Family with Tharaka by Emmanuel von Oppersdorff, a family friend and Andreas Imboden's godfather

> Family with Naaz and Aishi by Eric D. Lewis, a family friend, designer & photographer based in Long Island NY

> Grächen, from Interhome

> Imboden town board, from